2023 User Summit-CWP Tool Tips
Currently on the CWP when someone is registering there is not a lot of description for the end user to help guide them when issues are encountered. Example: I have had several customers call us saying they cant register, turns out their username is not being accepted as a valid user name. All the information that is given is a red box around the user name. There is no description of what is wrong so the customer calls after they have tried to change it 2 or 3 times and it still shows red. It would be nice if there was a description of what is needed for a username/password. Does it need to be 8 characters or longer? Can it have symbols? So on and so forth. Also I would be nice if their was an error message stating the reason the username is incorrect instead of just a red box surrounding it.

Audri commented
When a customer has entered invalid information on the CWP, or when a customer has not filled in a specific field on the CWP, the website should tell the customer what they are doing wrong. Many websites will have pop ups explaining the criteria, or blank fields will be highlighted in red showing that they were not filled in. Our customers have a hard time trouble shooting, as do we when trying to help them, because the CWP is so vague when something is not correct.