I would like to have a customer receipt not to include billing charges for an upcoming billing that has not yet been posted to their account
This is a response to an e mail sent regarding a receipt I gave to a customer who made a payment on the same date that I did a billing for an upcoming quarter that had not yet been posted. The receipt showed their balance as the new billing balance. I would like to see the balance be zero if they are paying their prior balance before any new charges.
JD McKaskle (CUSI)
Dec 23, 2021, 8:52 AM CST
Hello Deborah,
I am reaching out to give you an update on the Receipts printing a different Total Balance if you try to Reprint. I had taken the data I had gathered from the server and sent to Tier 2 for review. He had sent back that currently at this time, Payment receipts pull a 'TotalDue' field which looks at any Transactions on the account on the same date or before the Transaction date of the payment itself. Since this transaction Date field does not specify time, the Unposted charges balance that shares the same date as the payment, is pulled into the Receipt. Since this is how the Core Procedure itself Is pulling data, we would have to get Custom Dev form filled out to get a scope for feasibility and cost of adding a way to mitigate this into the procedure. If custom dev is not that way you want to go, and this is something that you would like to see in future builds of UMS, we have a website called cusi.uservoice.com that allows our customers to make requests straight to our Development team about features that would help make their lives easier while using UMS. If you have any questions about this matter, or would like me to push along the Request about getting a custom Receipt made for you, please respond back to this email and it will notify me you responded. If not Then I hope you have a Happy Holidays!
Thank you,

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