138 results found
Resequence - UNDO button - move this options elsewhere?
Our old system was setup fine - UMS system apparently has a button under the billing process that you can resequence the route. There is no warning about it once you click the button - and my co-worker did this by accident and did not even realize it. Now our route is messed up and accounts are being missed - and old accounts are now in thee route that have no houses. Is there any way to REVERSE this error? or the button to resequence should be moved so it isn't so readily available - maybe under the meter section…
1 voteThis request has been declined.
Alert for pmts stuck in Gateway - without having to manually look
Until recently, we did not know about having to check the Gateway for "stuck" pmts. It would be nice to get an alert via email that there is an issue with a customer pmt. 2 months went by and a customer said they made a pmt online - but then it was not reflected in her acct. Support helped us locate this pmt. // other ex: was a customer made a pmt and it was taken out twice int he Gateway log - it was disputed by the customer, and even tho we showed 1 was for a water pmt,…
1 voteThis request has been declined.
Change Batch Feature back please!
Prior to this last update 2 weeks ago (sept 2024), we were able to change batches. While on my end it didn't change the Payment/transaction date, it would allow changes to the batch and able to post them.
In my time zone 5 pm is your cut off for credit cards. Anything after that time is included in the following day. I think we need the change batch feature back. If it is not included into our bank deposits total, then we should be able to match our posting totals. I could post each individual account to match bank deposits,…
1 voteThis has been declined due to electronic payments not being permitted to have the date altered. Helped the customer individually with reconciliation and she was satisfied with the results.
More than 1 email address on an account
We would like to have the ability to add multiple email addresses on a UMS account.
Posted on behalf of Kristy at Loves Park
7 votesThis request has been declined. The work and the edge cases involved would be too significant to complete this request.
Bank account numbers are getting longer and I feel that we need more time to review them before they disappear
Longer Time For Reviewing Bank Acct Numbers
1 voteThis request has been declined. The settings are at the longest they can be to while still maintaining compliance.
When searching for a customer it would be beneficial to see customer's account balance instead of having to get into customer's account
Show Account Balance When Searching for Customer
1 voteThis request has been declined due to it negatively affecting performance.
E-bill statement attachments
We would like to have the ability to attach a pdf to e-bill notices to avoid sending out a separate email. This would be especially helpful since we send our Consumer Confidence Report each year with our bill and now will be sending Lead and Copper information with our bills. It is not ideal to have to send another separate email when customers who recieive a paper bill get the notices with their bill. And we are limited to how many emails we are permitted to send. So please make the ability to attach a pdf with the ebill notice.
19 votesAfter further consideration, this item has been declined. Adding attachments to the e-bill process would significantly reduce UMS performance. To remedy this, UMS has a newly enhanced customer contact wizard available for any required customer communication outside of the e-bill process. This feature allows users to limit the communications to only e-bill customers (if desired), as well as allowing them to add an attachment to the communications.
cusi academy playback speed
1.25 and 1.5 playback speed option
1 voteThis request has been declined due to a limitation of the provider.
Future Date Read Changes
Allow for mass future dating. Currently unable to set billing periods (prior/current dates) in masse for a future date.
4 votesThis request has been declined due to lack of votes.
2023 User Summit-Timestamp on the emails is in 6.9, but they would like to see email.
Timestamp on the emails is in 6.9, but they would like to see email.
5 votesThis request has been declined because this information can be obtained through the mail server sent items.
Auto Payment Wizard Error Report Re-Print
It would be helpful if the auto payment wizard error report that is generated after you run auto pay to be available in the reporting tab at any given time based on the date auto pay was run. At this time it is only available for a brief moment after you run the process and then disappears once it is closed.
6 votesThis request has been declined because we do not store sensitive data and we use tokenization to process recurring credit cards. We encourage users to save a copy of the report when it is initially created.
Payment Station
To have a clear separation of the past, current, and total due in the payment station. In UMS it only has the past due and the total due, so the cashier must manually calculate to provide the customer with the current due. Kindly note recommended breakdown below.
• Past due - $106.64
• Current due - $304.18 - March Charge
• Total due - $413.825 votesThis request has been declined due to lack of votes and because past due balance could be up for interpretation.
Search screen additions
Would be very user friendly to see.....
- A Balance column added
- Allow the Utility Status column to follow the account progression (such as Current-Past Due etc)
What great quick glance information. Thank you
1 voteWe have researched the possibility of adding a balance column in the past and because of crippling performance when searching, we are unable to add a this to the search results. We will, however, consider adding the utility status in the results on a future update.
Prevent Duplicate Emails on Communication Wizard
Communication wizard – ignoring duplicates:
You can see below an example. Thornwell Home is an orphanage in Clinton SC with multiple buildings on gas. Their email is in each one. These are just a few of them; there are more. As it is, an email to will go out to each one. I can see the duplicate need for e-statements or payment receipts, but to send an email for something else requires a lot of prep work to delete duplicates. As an example, if we wanted to notify this route that work was being done, each account would get…
3 votesThis request has been declined due to lack of votes.
Add Actual Customer Payment Counts to Pre-Posting Reports
We would like to see total actual customer counts which we are required to report on for daily metrics on tasks that the CSR staff completes. Total number of customer payments accepted is not currently found on Pre-Posting. We need a way for UMS to provide an easy way to determine a total number of payments entered when entering multi-location/account payments for each user. Example take 1 check that applies to 10 rental locations, this is counted as 1 on the Pre-Posting report. We would like to see a total count of Customers accounts that had payments applied to them.
3 votesThis request has been declined due to lack of votes.
Read Type
Include a column with the ready type in the usage/consumption tab. Currently each month must be selected to verify which month was an actual or estimated reading.
4 votesThis request has been declined due to lack of votes.
Add Arrears Amount in Create Delinquency
When creating delinquencies it would be nice to have a column with arrears so we can select highest to lowest and have option to send customers with high arrears.
5 votesThis request has been declined due to lack of votes.
Customer should not be able to go back ACH or Credit Card ACH draft after we remove them. But they still should be able to pay with cr cards
Customers should not be able to put themselves back on ACH or Credit Card ACH draft after we remove them due to rejects. But they still should be able to pay with credit cards. We need a code to keep them off ACH or Credit Card ACH draft that still allows them to pay with a credit card.
6 votesThis request has been declined for lack of votes and for the fact that we already have disallowed payment methods that should help.
In the NOTES Area in UMS we would love to be able to change defaults and to inactivate fields. Examp: Under "Note Used For" Has several choices and would love to be able to create our own drop down menu for things that are important for our company which is JUST WATER. Just having the ability to customize it more would be great.
6 votesThis request has been declined due to lack of votes.
Validate email addresses in real time
Implementing basic email validation when a customer or employee enters an email address into UMS would be highly beneficial. Numerous methods exist for verifying email addresses, encompassing syntax checks, DNS lookup, SMTP server verification, etc.
I know some email verification services that offer an API require a subscription, so maybe there could be two levels of validation. One that requires a subscription and one that does a basic SMTP server check (or an equivalent)?6 votesUMS already has a verification if the email address is in the correct format but there is not a way to validate email addresses in real time.
- Don't see your idea?