Change Batch Feature back please!
Prior to this last update 2 weeks ago (sept 2024), we were able to change batches. While on my end it didn't change the Payment/transaction date, it would allow changes to the batch and able to post them.
In my time zone 5 pm is your cut off for credit cards. Anything after that time is included in the following day. I think we need the change batch feature back. If it is not included into our bank deposits total, then we should be able to match our posting totals. I could post each individual account to match bank deposits, but that would take up to much time.
For auditing purposes this is highly important. Tech support tried telling me it changed the payment date. See picture included, it did not. My customer made a payment on the 9th and I changed her batch to the 10th. If a payment is not included in the daily deposit, why would we post all the payments?
I'm self taught so maybe I am missing a step somewhere

This has been declined due to electronic payments not being permitted to have the date altered. Helped the customer individually with reconciliation and she was satisfied with the results.