E-bill statement attachments
We would like to have the ability to attach a pdf to e-bill notices to avoid sending out a separate email. This would be especially helpful since we send our Consumer Confidence Report each year with our bill and now will be sending Lead and Copper information with our bills. It is not ideal to have to send another separate email when customers who recieive a paper bill get the notices with their bill. And we are limited to how many emails we are permitted to send. So please make the ability to attach a pdf with the ebill notice.

After further consideration, this item has been declined. Adding attachments to the e-bill process would significantly reduce UMS performance. To remedy this, UMS has a newly enhanced customer contact wizard available for any required customer communication outside of the e-bill process. This feature allows users to limit the communications to only e-bill customers (if desired), as well as allowing them to add an attachment to the communications.
Anonymous commented
We want to attach a PDF to the bills, not send a separate email. We've been sending separate emails and that's what we wanted to get away from. This function was available in our old billing system. We thought Cusi was going to be more efficient when we migrated last year but have found that we've taken a step backwards not forward.
Anonymous commented
Tried to set up as directed but I get a message that says some errors have occurred.
Please enter correct values in the indicated fields and try again. the indicated field is the subject line.
my question is do you have to go to set up and change this every time we want to add an attachment? -
Elisa Davis commented
From my understanding, this option is available. I would double check with CUSI on this. But they walked me through getting it setup that way. I have not put it to the test as I had already send out my e-bill notices. Awaiting to process my bills next month and see if it's working as it should.
Phillip Allison commented
It would be nice to have a pdf of the statement with the notification email. We have had several people ask about that.
Peggy Harrington commented
MAWA has several months out of year that we need to include attachments to E-Bills and we are limited on the amount of emails we can send per month. So, it is impossible to send multiple emails when we have attachments to send. Not to mention the additional time it takes to send multiple emails.