Roll back single batch
Background: We were processing a specialized utility billing process in applying grant revenues that inadvertently included posting a regular unposted billing cycle batch that was not ready for posting. This was done as a date range was selected for posting batches accidently versus a single batch (with TransmasterID). The result created some 600 + payment discount related transactions that CUSI was unable to reverse from our system en-mass.
CUSI explained this is due to the payment discount generating a PayMaster file that the Transaction Reversal Tool in UMS was not designed to remove.
CUSI gave us several options to overcome this:
• Roll back our system to our most recent back up prior to the posting (which included a significant number of unrelated transactions that would be wiped clean)
• Manually reverse each of the 600+ transactions that were unreversible (significant staff time expenses with opportunity for manual entry errors)
• Perform data clean up by a CUSI software engineer over a week-end at an hourly charge (unknown cost scope that wouldn’t fix the problem in addressing a grant deadline)
We determined the best course of action was to leave batch posting in the system as is and deal with the consequences from doing so (such as the system not applying late fees to the inadvertently posted batch). However logically we should have a way to unwind posted batches to avoid a domino effect to other postings and processes. This is what we are requesting to help alleviate these situations, isolate problem batches, and correct errors that invariably happen.

This item was declined due to lack of votes.