Customer Contact Wizard Impovements
(1.) It would be very helpful to see the service address listed in the Customer Contact Wizard as well customer number. Neither of these are included presently. Location number is there, which is very helpful, but when we need to eliminate groups of customers, we do not have associated service addresses memorized and so cannot tell who to eliminate and keep. Why make extra work when we have this awesome, powerful database with all of this information in it? We do not personally need "Linked Account number," but perhaps others do.
(2.) Also, it would be great to add the ability to choose streets in the beginning when we are filtering our list.
(3.) When we get to the list it gives us of who will be contacted after those filters, it would be great in addition to the above, if this would operate like the Review Transactions screens within UMS where we can further eliminate individual customers. For instance, today I needed to send a construction alert to folks on Ridgeview Drive, but also had customers on Long Lane who would be affected. However, not all customers on Long Lane would be affected. This happens any time we do a project, have a leak, etc. Thank you and God bless you all, you brilliant, super cool UMS beautiful brained people!

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