121 results found
Service Order Control Panel
Provide a way to delete open service orders in mass vs. one by one.
8 votesWe need more votes on this request.
Need ability to enter both customer name or account number by default to access customer account
Would like to have the ability to enter both customer name or account number by default to access customer account without having to use the pull down tab to enter by customer name.
10 votesWe need more votes on this request.
Location Alt ID
We are utilizing this field for our accounts without a permanent addresses. We use that field to hold a CAD identification number and when transferring data from system to another it's needed. Right now it has to be done manually which takes far too much time. Please consider adding this to the report. Or at least the customer list report.
4 votesWe need more votes on this request.
Location Field for Service Line Material
Several Utilities have to report on the service line material for DEQ. Typically, this is referred to as Copper and Lead reporting, however there can be PVC or Galvanized, etc. We would like a field added on the location tab under details for Service Line Material. I also would like this added to code filters for reporting purposes. Currently, we have to report on the Customer Line and the Utility Line, it would be nice to have a field for each. This field also needs to be added to the mass meter changeout program to populate this for service lines…
13 votesWe need more votes on this request.
6.10 update - usage history button
What a treat viewing usage history on the enter readings screen, very helpful. Any chance you could enhance this more by modifying into the very same usage tab that's on the Account Control Panel? How great it would be to regroup every detail.
Thank you for your consideration,
Terri7 votesWe need more votes on this request.
Customer Tab Active Box
Get rid of Customer Tab Active Box and make Active equal to Current and Inactive equal to Final. Location active and inactive would have the preface of location or service to know the difference. This is needed for UB4 as well. Users can deactivate the services if not needing to bill. That way reporting does not change with the active customer box.
6 votesWe need more votes on this request.
shut off notice in notes
Copy of shut off notices as issued in the account notes when you post them to the account. should be able to customize the reference box in the transaction history too
9 votesWe need more votes on this request.
CWP from UMS account
How cool would it be if we are working with a customer in UMS and we could click a button that opens up their location on the CWP.
And similarly, a button on the CWP when in CSR view that opens up the corresponding location in UMS.
10 votesWe need more votes on this request.
Show Test this Rate at the account level or see an option for a breakdown of a charge at the tier level.
CSRs would like to be able to test this rate at the account level.
6 votesWe need more votes on this request.
Show Audit for changes on service orders
Logged on behalf of Tangipahoa Water District
8 votesWe need more votes on this request.
Mass Entry of Locations
We support a growing community where a new neighborhood of houses is developed with over 100 houses many times a year. We need an import tool from excel that allows us to mass enter new locations so we don't have to enter each one manually one by one.
8 votesWe need more votes on this request.
Allow embedded clickable (linkable) images on Email Message Templates
Allow embedded clickable (linkable) images on Email Message Templates so that the email will have an image that will redirect when clicked.
4 votesWe need more votes on this request.
Multi document scanning
The ability to scan multiple documents at once in order to save all the files for the customer within their account to have easy access for all their records and not have to have a multi-step process to upload a stack of forms.
1 voteWe need more votes on this request.
batch bill correction
presently there's not way to correct a whole bill file batch all at once. ums should be able to do that and also to include a statement account note to print on the new bill. the new bill should have the revised bill date and revised bill due date on it as well.
4 votesWe need more votes on this request.
contract payoff
more accessible contract payoff balance for a location. right now drilling down is by service and multiple clicks per service. any amortization schedule should include the location's current status on the schedule
4 votesWe need more votes on this request.
spell check
spell check like link to microsoft dictionary or something so our emails and notes can be spell checked before they are saved
4 votesWe need more votes on this request.
SERVICE ORDERS Date due VS Scheduled Date
Date Due VS Scheduled Date. To me this is the same and it auto populates with todays date in the Date Due, the scheduled date is the date you choose for the workorder to be done.
Can the DATE DUE be changed to say either Todays Date OR Date S/O Created? Very confusing for our Techs when those to fields come to them with two different dates. Missy
2 votesWe need more votes on this request.
Change Existing Deposit Code
We would like to be able to change existing Deposit Codes in the Modify Deposit Master screen. This way if one is selected incorrectly or needs to be changed for one reason or another then it can be changed without refunding it and reapplying it.
1 voteWe need more votes on this request.
Disallow Payment Methods
The IVR should honor and disallow payment methods. End users know how to extend shut-off periods, knowing that the IVR allows all payment methods.
4 votesWe need more votes on this request.
Ability to Split Imported Payments from Gateway
We had a customer make a payment through the CWP. When they paid on the CWP, they paid on (2) locations with the same customer number by making (1) payment. This payment got "stuck" in Gateway and needed to be imported to the customers account(s). Gateway does not give the option to split the imported payment across the (2) locations. If the customer was able to select the (2) locations on the CWP to split the payment, it would be nice to have the option to split the payment when importing from Gateway. Instead, we had to import the payment…
7 votesWe need more votes on this request.
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