Location Field for Service Line Material
Several Utilities have to report on the service line material for DEQ. Typically, this is referred to as Copper and Lead reporting, however there can be PVC or Galvanized, etc. We would like a field added on the location tab under details for Service Line Material. I also would like this added to code filters for reporting purposes. Currently, we have to report on the Customer Line and the Utility Line, it would be nice to have a field for each. This field also needs to be added to the mass meter changeout program to populate this for service lines when putting in new meters. This would be attached to the location- not inventory item. This would save the utilities having to input 10 user defined codes and then go location by location to add them. If we could make this field able to be marked Mandatory then the CSRs could fill out the information when creating locations.

We need more votes on this request.
Candace commented
This is a fedaral mandate to all water proivders and should not be vote critical. We have to mail out correspondence annually based on service line material type as well as at the change of ownership. It is a multi-trillion dollar problem nationwide and with small staffs to cut costs it's a mission critical easy method of helping us all out.