174 results found
Highlight note in message center
Would it be possible to highlight in yellow a note in the message center?
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Transaction History by Payments or Charges Only
In the History tab, transactions have options for limiting/sorting what you can view. It would be helpful if we could limit viewing transactions by Charges, Payments, or Misc Charges only.
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Rate Code List Changes
We use the Rate Code List Report to verify that we have successfully changed all of the PGA rates from month to month. We print it to have a record that the price was changed. In a future update, you might consider adding a date selection to this report, as it prints all dates and that can make for a lengthy report. We really only need the most one or two recent changes.
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Add summary option to the charge register
In the charge register report, would be great to have an option for a summary type report. We currently have to pull the entire report (4000 pages) in order to see just the last pages of summary information.
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ability to limit reports by zip code
Utility must submit numerous status reports to Public Service Commission on disconnects for non payment, penalties, etc and they require them to be enumerated by zip code. The expectation is that eventually there may be special rates for certain zip codes. Currently numerous reports are being exported to excel, combined and then sorted to gain the required reporting information.
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Retain History of Budget Billing
We need to be able to look back and see the history of what customers have paid in previous years on budget billing. Once the new amount for the coming year is established, then the past amounts are no longer tracked so we cannot see the trends/history when discussing with the customer.
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Be able to flip the Owner tab to a Renter tab so you can use the account either way.
Posted on behalf of Kristy at Loves Park
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Edit Reporting Available for Scheduled Tasks in UMS.
Under Management > Schedule Tasks. We would like to be able to pick different reporting other than Aged Receivables. Our specific report we need is Pre Posting Financials Review.
Posted on behalf of Kristy at Loves Park
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Cancel linked Service Work Order after posting a Transaction Reversal for a Shutoff
Develop a process to allow end users to cancel, or at least be reminded to cancel, a Service WO that is linked to a Shutoff that was recently reversed using the Transaction Reversal Wizard.
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Refund List Report Sort Ascending/Descending
You can currently sort the report by "date of refund" but it defaults to newest to oldest ascending. We would like to be able to sort by refund date oldest to newest instead.
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Required Fields
Add *Required Field to work orders such as the following:
Name of person completing the task
Meter Read
Meter Number Information.
We think that with these additions it could help with cleaning up the system and things that may get overlooked would not as likely.1 voteWe need more votes on this request.
Ability to remove, delete Customer after defined period
I would like the ability to individually select customers to remove/ delete after a defined period of inactivity that I specify such as 5 years, 10 years, etc. It would not affect Location notes, data, items specific to location, would not affect meter changes/ data but would delete that specific customer's financial history, customer and account notes specific to that customer and/ or period of time selected. It would also make their customer number now available for use.
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let it start numbering new accounts at a number set by the user not by the highest numbered account
Have UMS start numbering new accounts at a number set by the user not by the highest numbered account. We have our regular customer accounts starting with 1353001 and going up. We'd like to set this as the "next account # to use" and then let the system count up from there.
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View Consumption History Through Service Orders
Make it possible to view Consumption History information in Mobile Service Orders.
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