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  1. payment arragement deposit

    We require a deposit to start a payment arrangement. It would be nice to include or exclude that deposit payment as part of the arrangement installments. Also, if there is a pending payment on the account we should be able to set up a payment arrangement and exclude the pending payment.

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  2. owner as contact

    an owner in the owner tab with contact preferences set should trigger copies of bills and notices as listed.

    Or at least a one button activation of the owner's information into the Contacts tab.

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  3. note attachment description

    When adding a note attachment a description is required. Being able to save a short list of commonly used descriptions would be brilliant.

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  4. email template

    Subject saved as part of a saved email template. (A saved attachment would be great too.) Ex. If I send a water use alert email I would want to include a flier of common places to check for a leak, b/c including all of that data in the email increases the changes the customer won't read the message.

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  5. Default Wildcard search

    We would like the ability to default the Wildcard search on the account control panel. Instead of defaulting to "Contains" we would like the default to be "Starts With" or whatever preference.

    Posted on behalf of Merrimack Village District

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  6. usage variance

    Be able to set usage variance by percent from last year AND over # of specified gallons.

    EX: Customer A used 4K in March 2023.

    We are now billing March 2024 and would want to flag if the use is 75% more than March 2023, but only if it is over 1,000 gallons total.

    This way if it is a small user exceeding 75% of last year's month at the same time of year we don't land them on the high use list because their total gallons used that month is less than 1,000 gallons; whereas above, the user would…

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  7. Customer Contact Wizard; Sort Order

    We would like to see the option for sort order for the emergency contact list under the customer contact wizard work for customer contact instead of sorting by headers. That block in the window is for the Emergency Contact List, which is separate from the Customer Contact Wizard functionality.

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  8. 2023 User Summit-Code Filters

    Rate Code List - As for the code filters the only thing I was mentioning as of now is that in Code filters on the Services and Rates tab, you can only Add services and rates. You can't Include or Exclude like you can on other tabs for Customer and Locations.

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  9. Delinquency Notice

    When creating our IVR call for delinquency notices, we have the option for IVR and SMS Text. It would be nice to have the option to send emails as well.

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  10. Ebill Template

    Need a field for the current charge amount only. Requested by Si Energy

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  11. Bankruptcy Delinquency Type and Process

    Delinquency bankruptcy is needed. Ideally, the process mimics bad debt write-offs, but for current customers. There is no clean way to write off the balance and have it reflect as bankruptcy. It is understood that Lien Processes could accommodate, but there is a significant difference between the management of bankruptcy and lien processes.

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  12. Street number sorting in searches

    I would love to see the street numbers (house/ address number part of address) in street address sort numerically as in 1,2,3,..10,11,12,..21,22,23...30,31...100,101, etc. instead of 1,10,100,...2,20,200,2001,21,22, etc. so that we can see true order of addresses when searching. Thank you! :)

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  13. Future Date Read Changes

    Allow for mass future dating. Currently unable to set billing periods (prior/current dates) in masse for a future date.

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  14. Customer Contact Wizard Impovements

    (1.) It would be very helpful to see the service address listed in the Customer Contact Wizard as well customer number. Neither of these are included presently. Location number is there, which is very helpful, but when we need to eliminate groups of customers, we do not have associated service addresses memorized and so cannot tell who to eliminate and keep. Why make extra work when we have this awesome, powerful database with all of this information in it? We do not personally need "Linked Account number," but perhaps others do.
    (2.) Also, it would be great to add the…

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  15. Meter Change Report

    Meter change report – To allow the meter changeout report to include the old and new meter number and reading. Currently the report only provides the old meter information, so we must pull another report and do a comparison with the account numbers to get the new meter information. Also including the removal reason in the changeout report. Being able to properly track the reason why our meters are being changed is very important, so that we can determine if a specific brand or make of meters should be re-purchased. The option to select the removal is available, but its…

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  16. Select All for UDC Reporting

    We need a Check all box in the code filters - UDC Codes - I have 18 and have to click each one separately.

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  17. Do not allow NULL searches

    When searching in UMS do not allow space + search or blank + search. If this is allowed provide a warning box that you are about to search for Active Company. Also, disallowing this mirrors the UB4 behavior.

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  18. Additional Rate Option

    Need an additional rate option to see 1/1/24 - 1/1/24 as 1 day and not 0 billing the base fee as defined.

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  19. On the account control panel under location, it would be helpful if you could add a from and to date column for each owner or tenant

    add a column that shows from and to date, which would show the deration of time each owner, tenant occupied the location

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  20. Clone Message Templates

    Need the ability to clone message templates.

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