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  1. E-bill statement attachments

    We would like to have the ability to attach a pdf to e-bill notices to avoid sending out a separate email. This would be especially helpful since we send our Consumer Confidence Report each year with our bill and now will be sending Lead and Copper information with our bills. It is not ideal to have to send another separate email when customers who recieive a paper bill get the notices with their bill. And we are limited to how many emails we are permitted to send. So please make the ability to attach a pdf with the ebill notice.

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    After further consideration, this item has been declined. Adding attachments to the e-bill process would significantly reduce UMS performance. To remedy this, UMS has a newly enhanced customer contact wizard available for any required customer communication outside of the e-bill process. This feature allows users to limit the communications to only e-bill customers (if desired), as well as allowing them to add an attachment to the communications.

  2. Transfer partial payment

    We would like to be able to transfer part of a payment to one or more accounts.

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    After careful consideration, this request was declined because UMS stores payment information with a single unique identifier and splitting a payment would require a complete overhaul of how UMS handles payments.

  3. Customer address changes

    When A customer changes their mailing address, it should effect all future billings only. Currently it compromised the integrity of our historical data and we don't want that to happen. Please make this change.

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    This work item was declined due to the existing workaround ability of viewing the audit tab for any address changes and obtaining address information as to where a statement was sent. This feature would be a major overhaul to UMS as to how bills and forms are processed within UMS. CUSI also recommends saving a PDF copy of your statements at the time of creation so this historical information would be accessible at any time.

  4. Clean Excel Exports

    When you export a file from UMS it should not be merged or make it such a hassle to make it a usable spreadsheet. It gets tedious cleaning up every single export that is created. You should not have to unmerge and delete a million rows/columns.

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    Declined  ·  Calandra Short responded

    CUSI recommends utilizing the "Export" button on the report screen vs. saving the report to Excel.  

  5. Create a report that would reflect an owner with all the locations associated with the owner number.

    Create a report that would reflect an owner with all the locations associated with the owner number.

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    This request has been declined because reports can already be limited to a specific 'bill group' which will allow reporting on a specific owner (as long as the bill group is established).  Any questions can be directed to our tech support staff. 

  6. 2023 - User Conference | Lead and Copper Tab

    With the New Lead and Copper Rules the EPA has put out, I think it would be beneficial to add a tab in the location panel. If we could have 3 columns with 3 rows for Year Location Installed, Material from Main to Meter, Material from Meter to Tap, Change Out Required, Lead Change Out Date, Image Attachment, Verification Method, Verified By, and Verification Date.

    If we could search/report on the year location installed, material from main to meter, material from meter to tap and change out required would be great. The year location installed would be great overall, just…

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  7. Customer contact wizard

    It would be nice to have the ability to limit duplicate messages for customers with multiple accounts having the same email/cell phone information in each one. Some sort of filter to send communication to an email address once.

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    This work has been declined because when duplicates are removed for multi-location accounts, location-specific merge fields will only be able to show information for the single customer/location record that it was limited to and not all required fields.

  8. More than 1 email address on an account

    We would like to have the ability to add multiple email addresses on a UMS account.

    Posted on behalf of Kristy at Loves Park

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  9. Services on Move-In Wizard

    Clear pre-filled services on the Move-In Wizard so users cannot click past this in a hurry and add unnecessary things.

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  10. Settings for which transactions get Automatically Posted

    We have a need to NOT POST all CSR transactions until days end. At present, processes such as the Move-In Wizard automatically post Miscellaneous Fee transactions and we do not want them posted. We have a checks and balance system that posts all transactions at the end of the day in the event that an error needs to be addressed. Our administration wants as few adjustments as possible, especially simple error adjustments that can be handled before posting.

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    This work item is being declined. Changing this process would require a major overhaul of existing UMS processes and could have potential unintended effects relating to the application. Please note that miscellaneous fees, deposits, etc. can be entered separate from the Move-In Wizard, therefore enabling the ability to review the transactions prior to posting.

  11. Auto Payment Wizard Error Report Re-Print

    It would be helpful if the auto payment wizard error report that is generated after you run auto pay to be available in the reporting tab at any given time based on the date auto pay was run. At this time it is only available for a brief moment after you run the process and then disappears once it is closed.

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    This request has been declined because we do not store sensitive data and we use tokenization to process recurring credit cards.  We encourage users to save a copy of the report when it is initially created.

  12. Customer should not be able to go back ACH or Credit Card ACH draft after we remove them. But they still should be able to pay with cr cards

    Customers should not be able to put themselves back on ACH or Credit Card ACH draft after we remove them due to rejects. But they still should be able to pay with credit cards. We need a code to keep them off ACH or Credit Card ACH draft that still allows them to pay with a credit card.

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    In the NOTES Area in UMS we would love to be able to change defaults and to inactivate fields. Examp: Under "Note Used For" Has several choices and would love to be able to create our own drop down menu for things that are important for our company which is JUST WATER. Just having the ability to customize it more would be great.

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  14. Validate email addresses in real time

    Implementing basic email validation when a customer or employee enters an email address into UMS would be highly beneficial. Numerous methods exist for verifying email addresses, encompassing syntax checks, DNS lookup, SMTP server verification, etc.
    I know some email verification services that offer an API require a subscription, so maybe there could be two levels of validation. One that requires a subscription and one that does a basic SMTP server check (or an equivalent)?

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  15. assign service orders

    Allow the assignment of service orders in bulk. If we could select the routes and assign all orders on those routes to a single tech it would save time. If we have 100 cutoffs we would like to easily split the total by routes and assign techs. All the information is easily seen in the service order control panel but it does not allow you to assign here, without going into each order separately.

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  16. Memorize reports

    I would like to able to create a list of memorized reports that I run regularly.

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    Declined  ·  Calandra Short responded

    This option will only be available in our new platform UB$ set to come out in 2023.  

  17. 5 votes

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  18. Payment Station

    To have a clear separation of the past, current, and total due in the payment station. In UMS it only has the past due and the total due, so the cashier must manually calculate to provide the customer with the current due. Kindly note recommended breakdown below.

    • Past due - $106.64
    • Current due - $304.18 - March Charge
    • Total due - $413.82

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  19. Add Arrears Amount in Create Delinquency

    When creating delinquencies it would be nice to have a column with arrears so we can select highest to lowest and have option to send customers with high arrears.

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  20. Account Wizard should NOT have to uncheck make payments

    When using the Move In Wizard...make payments now is prechecked. Please remove as this may cause errors .

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