Declined Autopay & Expiring Credit Card - Auto Email & Auto Note
Our Agency manually sends out emails and note each account for all expiring credit cards and declined autopay items. It would be extremely helpful if there was a way to have this automated. Please reach out if more details are needed.

We are reviewing this request.
Anonymous commented
We'd like to see the errors posted to each accounts notes, having to manually input them is very time concumming.
Kim commented
The declined ACH bank draft and credit / debit cards take us so much time to notify customers. What is meant to be a convenience for the customer is a real time burden for us. What is worse, a customer is usually a repeat offender.
Marty Koopman commented
This would be helpful to have the payment token and the account notated in one swoop. It is very time-consuming once autopay is run to do all. This would also be helpful with delinquency of IVR calls to notate the account.
Candace commented
I was able to get a credit card report out of UMS that sends an email to cards that are expiring. Call support - they were able to walk me through it.
Declined autopays I set up an email template but it is still one at a time. :(
Very time consuming and outdated as our last system did both of these tasks without our involvement.